The definition of a Sanguinarian Vampire and some other things to know.

A Sanguinarian or a Bloodletter is a type of Vampire that drinks blood from willing donors, who are called Swans.

[A Sanguinarian is someone who believes that they have the need to consume blood to keep healthy.]

The prefered blood type is Human.

Drinking you're own blood if you are a Sanguinarian, is not usually done.

Some Sanguinarians question whether it is a good thing to drink ones own blood, but it does not make a difference, because drinking ones own blood is frowned upon as a waste because you are simply recycling you're own blood and energy.

A quote "There is no point in this, for we feed for energy, if we lack energy, our blood cells lack energy, the Sanguinarian Vampire will grow more and more tired by continually feeding from him or herself"

And it also quotes that if a Sanguinarian has no donor to help them with their situation, then they stick to eating undercooked meats. The blood in prepared food is the only time that a Sanguinarian will ever drink the blood of an animal.

But Sanuinarians in these days, stick to Donors for their blood, not like in movies where they attack people and feed from them.

Vampires of all types, usually treat the donors very well to keep them around, and also they might repay they by giving them gifts for helping them out. But now'a'days, Donors are quite hard to find, because of the huge misunderstanding of Vampirism, mainly from media.

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