1.) Do Vampires really excist?

Well... This question belongs in the [NON-FICTION] section!

3.) Do Vampires Really Die If They Are Exposed To The Sun? 

They dont die, but they burn. Their skin starts to smoke and smoulder. But really it depends on what type of Vampire you are talking about, for example, in The Vampire Diaries- the Vampires burn and in extreme pain, but do not die in the sun, although left out in the sun for long periods of time will cause them to weaken and cannot move until rescued. While in Interview With A Vampire, they do die when in the sun, turning into ash. So it really doesn depend on where your coming from.

4.) Are Vampires Really Repelled By Garlic?

Again, it really depends on where your coming from, for example, in The Vampire Diaries Stefan clearly states: "Are you kidding me? I love garlic!" While in the Lost Boys, they are reppelled and shunned by garlic. So it depends.

5.) Do Religious Items Such As Crucifixes Really Ward Off Vampires?

This page is going to be the same all the way through *sigh* It really does depend, The Vampire Diaries arent bothered by religious objects while in Vampire In Brooklyn, they dont like to see them and are reppelled and smoke drifts out of their skin under their clothing. So -again- it depends.

6.) Can Vampires Really Change Into Other Animals?

Some can. Some can turn into: Bats, Wolves, Fog, Smoke, Birds (Spercifically crows), and Cats.

7.) Are Vampires Really Immortal?

Yeah basically. Unless they get the 'true death' (Term taken from True Blood) and their immortal life ends.

8.) Do Vampires Really Hunt Unsuspecting Victims?

Yeah. Some want to only feed from animals or willing people i.e: Partner, friends or family. While some are too hungry or cold hearted (do you get the pun? haha) and just attack someone and feed. It depends on the persons personality, and also where that person came from.

9.) Do Vampires Really Sleep In Coffins?

Some do. The more modern Vampires tend to not sleep in coffins, but in beds, while the older Vampires in movies such as Interview With A Vampire or Nosferatu, do infact sleep in coffins. But its out of their choice!

10.) Do Vampires Cast A Reflection In Mirrors?

Some do, some dont. For instance, in the Lost Boys, they have a sort of hazy reflection, while the more modern Vampires have properties closer to the properties of humans and DO have a reflection so it depends.... again....

11.) Can You Really Kill A Vampire By Driving A Stake Through It's Heart?

Yes, but this isnt the only way to kill a Vampire for good. There are also ways like: Burning, decapitating and silver. These are the most common ways to kill a Vampire, but not necessarily for every one. For example in the AMAZING book Evernight by Claudia Gray (One of my FAVOURITE books!) a Vampire doesnt die when staked in the heart, they remain temporarily dead, but they can rise again after you remove the stake, their most deadlist threat is fire.

12.) Are There Any Documented Cases Listing Vampirism As A Medical Disease?

Yes but that answer belongs in the [NON-FICTION] section.

13.) Is It True That One Of The Reasons Vampires Drink Blood Is Because It's Where They Will Get Most Of A Persons Life Force From There Because I Read That They Needed Peoples Life Forces To Help Them Live As Well As The Blood?

Yes, but... Again, the answer to this is in the [NON-FICTION] section.

14.) How can I turn into a Vampire?

WELL *Breathes in* Some ways, you have to:

Drink the blood of the Vampire, then die (Like in The Vampire Diaries) Then consume human blood to finish the transition.

Be bitten by a Vampire (This type of Vampire is infectious and can turn just by a bite)

When a human dies, drip blood into the victims mouth and thoat, then sleep with them in the ground overnight until they wake up.

Been bitten more than twice by the same Vampire. This doesnt make you a Vampire, but increases your chances in becoming one (Evernight- Claudia Grays book!)

The next paragraph used to be believed in the old times, have been proved to be false (I placed it in the [FICTION] page because they were believed in in one point, but are still untrue. These are some reaons why people turn into Vampires after they die:

Wizards, werewolves, heretics, outcasts, illegitimate offspring of illefitimate children, anyone killed by a Vampire, suicides, unvented deaths, intimely/ unhappy deaths, witches, murderers, excommunicants, robbers/villains, accursed, an unburied body which has had sun/ moonlight fall upon it (Spercifically in China), an unburied body that has been lept over by a cat, those without full rights before death, children born or conceived on a great church holiday, still born children & unbaptized children (Rise after 7 years of death), any animal that has passed over an unburied body, anyone who has eaten the flesh of a sheep whom has been killed by a wolf, perjurers/liars, 7th sons, male born with a caul, a pregnant woman looked at by a Vampire (Especially after 6 months), a shadow of a living man falling upon an unburied body, a nun stepping over an unburied body.







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